"Why did I get married, too?"? Wow. Has this sentence ever been uttered in the fifteen-hundred year history of the English language? I understand what's being attempted here and it is 110% FAIL. Tyler Perry's films need to be taken behind the woodshed and put down with a shotgun. It's enough to make you want to tackle filmgoers as they walk to the ticket kiosk, grab them by the lapels and scream, "No! For the love of all that is holy, don't buy another ticket to this man's offal!" Alas, his movies continue to filch audiences of money and dignity. His television work is the only thing that makes his cinematic oeuvre seem competent. Sure, I'm a snob, but you wouldn't get mad at Ruth Reichl for telling you that eating dog food isn't the best gustatory choice for you to make.
We can do better people. We have to. Every dollar this earns at the box office will erode my faith in humanity ever so slightly...
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