Radiohead's 7th LP will be released as a download this coming week. Won't make huge waves on the charts for a couple of reasons: 1.) they aren't a gorilla on the U.S. sales charts (with the exception of OK Computer) and 2.) they're only releasing it as a download for now from their website. The really sweet part though is that for the download, they are charging--whatever you want to pay. That's right, you enter how much you want to pay for the music and that's what they charge you. That is so unbelievably cool on their part (thus ensuring that I'll be one of those 60-year olds paying obscene amounts of money to watch them play thirty years from now like Rolling Stone fans). There is also the option to purchase the deluxe edition which comes with more songs, vinyl and artwork for the reasonable price of $40(UK). I chose the deluxe, because I figured I'd buy it anyway when it hit the shelves. So with the battered U.S. dollar the purchase came to a little under something like five grand. (When did the U.S. dollar turn into the freaking Mexican peso?) I don't even own a record player, but somehow it seems worth it.
I'm glad these guys find ways to stay relevant to the music world. They've got the entrenched fan base worldwide that will probably never abandon them, but they just give you more reasons to love them. It's like your girlfriend of five years coming home one day and presenting you with every back issue of X-Men just for the hell of it. I love you guys. "Why can't we just say that every day? I'm not ashamed!"
Essential Radiohead:
1. Kid A - (the album that ushered them to the top of Olympus)
2. OK Computer - ("When I am king/You will be first against the wall/With your opinion/Which is of no consequence at all..." - Paranoid Android, greatest rock song about emotional impotence, existential dread and unborn chickens ever. Ever.)
3. The Bends - (Coldplay before Coldplay)
BTW - You can check out the new album here.
What? No mention of the Boss's new album?
Seriously though, I'm wondering if I should check out ol' Bruce. Growing up in Detroit, I kind of missed that boat. I guess by location and generation.
If Born to Run came on the radio, I'd be pressed to tell you what it was.
My knowledge begins and ends at Born in the USA...oh and that one of his band members was on the Sopranos.
I didn't get into him until I was moving to the middle of NJ (trying to find a job in the city-area) and then my love skyrocketed. It may not be your stuff. With the attention to the reissue of Born to Run (the album) a couple years ago, I realized how enormous it is, especially that song.
His drummer is often Max Weinberg, I believe still. The guy from Conan. Now you known another thing.
Onion's AV Club list of movies without which Wes Anderson couldn't have done without:
I just got into Radiohead about 3 years ago. Never regretted it. Thanks for info.
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