They sure as hell don’t teach you this stuff in American history class. If Ridley Scott’s new film, American Gangster, is to be believed, then Frank Lucas was one of the most notorious (and ingenious) criminals in modern U.S. history. Morality aside, I came away with what can only be described as admiration for the man. Of course you can’t really separate what he did from the consequences and repercussions of his actions (he was a part of a drug epidemic that brought Harlem, if not NYC to its knees in the 70s), but you have to begrudgingly respect his business acumen.
Denzel does his usual thing playing Frank Lucas. I couldn’t really picture anybody else besides maybe Don Cheadle or Jeffrey Wright playing the role. Don’t get me wrong, I like Washington, but you already know what to expect from him. He’s a superstar and it’s impossible for a superstar to get lost in a role. The audience always sees that guy just beneath the surface. It doesn’t detract from the movie to be fair though.
Russell Crowe gives a good turn as the incorruptible cop set out to bring Frank Lucas down. No scenery chewing, but then I don’t think any could ever accuse Crowe of doing that in any film save maybe A Beautiful Mind. I’ve always dug his performances from L.A. Confidential to The Insider. The rest of the supporting cast ranges from solid to great with special nods to Ruby Dee and Josh Brolin (the former Goonie has had a resurgence of late giving another outstanding performance in No Country For Old Men. Seeing how Sean Astin has made some good films in the recent past, maybe Corey Feldman’s next? Wow…).
I’m usually fairly cool to Ridley Scott’s films. Alien is the only one I love unabashedly. I don’t remember Thelma & Louise or (I’m ashamed to admit this) Bladerunner. I’ll have to add American Gangster to that sparse list. I don’t want to review the film, because I think it has some real pleasures in it that the viewer should just discover on his or her own. I’ll just say the picture is highly recommended. I'll be lining up to see it again when it gets its theatrical wide release November 2nd. I'd love to fly out to L.A. to watch this movie at the Arclight. Why can't they build a Cineramadome here in NY? It's completely unacceptable that the Left Coast should have something we don't. Somebody needs to get on that...
so the last two movies I watched were the grindhouse full features. Both worthwhile if they are the first time you are seeing the movies.
Also, I watched FF2 because I feel like jesus on a cosmic surfboard myself sometimes. wow, superweak. weak like... well nothing can compare.
Good Comics: (That don't require you to spend a lot of money on backstory)
Planet Hulk Hardcover
World War Hulk (Fun but not classic)
Powers: Where this has gone is pretty amazing. Buy it from Amazon in trades.
If you start there, you will be hooked again.
I've been checking out Planet Hulk every now and again. Maybe I'll make the plunge.
I'll definitely pick-up Powers at some point.
It's all about Y: The Last Man though.
Deathproof was good and Planet Terror was schlocky fun, but I'd say the best part ultimately was Eli Roth's Thanksgiving trailer. It's the best thing he's ever done (which isn't saying much, but...).
Y: The Last Man... I bought it all in one swift stroke and was caught up in it, but as smart and funny as it was you have to remember I'm like Barney from "How I Met Your Mother" with a life size Silver Surfer in my apartment. I read a whole lot of comics that are interesting and different. It's good and fun, but not the most awesome book on the stands at all. That title belongs to The Immortal Iron Fist. I know, your like, "Iron Fist? Really?". If I knew your address I would send you a copy of the first trade.
The new arc is called the 7 Capital Cities of Heaven. I'm naming my unrecorded solo EP that. 7 songs of beatdown. That's how awe inspiring it is.
Also, on a personal note I am determined to own the Bobby Kennedy thing that was left in my lap.
"I be tossin and flossin my style is awesome!!!!!"
People actually watch that show?
I've got so much media to catch up with it's ridiculous. I've had the same three Netflix films out for three months. I still haven't watched the second half of BSG season 2; haven't finished reading a book I started a year ago; haven't penned a new chapter in my book for roughly the same amount of time--I've got to get back with it. I finally have a decent stockpile of new ideas that need to get realized on paper.
What's the 'Bobby Kennedy'-thing in your lap? I thought your unrecorded solo LP should be called: Assassin's Advantage: The Post-Industrial Adventures of Jeroen Thornedike in High-Definition.
PJ Harvey's new LP is really good, btw.
Gah! Watch Blade Runner! What the fuck?!
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