Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (1990) – “It won the Oscar” “Really, for what?” “Best movie ever.” – Talladega Nights. I haven’t seen this movie in nearly fifteen years, but in my mind it's one of the top ten comic book movies ever made. (See right down there at #9!!!). Here's why: They made this movie without CGI and it didn't look crappy. The turtle costumes were created and animated by the legendary Jim Henson Muppet Company. That in itself is reason enough to at least respect this movie. Nobody wouldn’t even try to make this movie today as a live action work. Also this movie had the voice talents of Corey Feldman, one of the finest thespians of the go-go 80s. He strung together a hit streak of films only Tom Cruise, Will Smith and Tom Hanks would go on to rival.
Beginning in 1984 with his appearance in Friday the 13th IV, he went on to make some of the greatest films in the history of motion pictures, nay, in the history of human achievement. I submit the following body of work or oeuvre if you will (always use the fancier word when you want to emphasis how important $#!t is): Gremlins (1984), Friday the 13th V (1985), The Goonies (1985), Stand by Me (1986), The Lost Boys (1987), License to Drive (1988). Four of those movies went on to win Nobel Prizes and one developed a vaccine for cancer I believe. What did they all have in common? The Feldman. Ipso facto (Latin is keen!), TMNT is at least a very good movie.
Now I don't remember the details of the film, but I do recall Raphael being a brooding bad-@$$, Michaelangelo making a lot of pizza jokes and a lot of ninjas getting beat down. That sounds to me like the recipe for a classic film.
1. Batman Begins
2. X-Men 2
3. Spider-man 2
4. Batman
5. Superman II
6. Superman
7. Blade
8. X-Men
9. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
10. Sin City
Turtles? You need to get out more.
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