I like Sam Raimi. I really do. A Simple Plan? Minor classic of the genre. Evil Dead Trilogy? Still watch at least one of those movies every year. But this third installment of Spider-man? What the hell? How can such a competent director make such bad decisions? Has the stench of the Batman sequels dissipated so much that we have forgotten their lessons of exactly what not to do in a comic book movie?
Rule no. 1: K.I.S.S. – Keep it simple stupid! You’ve got way too many subplots swirling around in this thing – Sandman and his sick daughter, Peter and MJ’s relationship troubles, the Brock rivalry, the son of Green Goblin rivalry…argh, my head hurts. And so you set all this stuff up and manage to wrap it all up, but then everything gets short shrift. I am displeased.
I got the sense that he had this unwieldy script and tried to do the best he could. But Sam, you’ve got the best performing comic franchise ever! Stretch it out! You have material for two movies here.
You’ve got the symbiote-suit, so run with it. You didn’t need to use Venom in this movie. You could have shown Brock getting hooked up w/ the suit at the end, but we didn’t need to see an entire Venom arc especially handled so poorly (and BTW Topher Grace makes a great Brock, but he’s given so little to work with).
So that’s strike one with that and then we get Saccharine-man AKA Sandman robbing banks to save Tiny Tim. WTF? Why can’t a villain just be bad? Strike two!!
Then you’ve got dark/emo-Petey which I actually liked, but again it falls to the wayside too quickly. You had something there; why not run with it? Ball one.
Also, how much did this franchise gross worldwide? Why aren’t you hiring WETA to do the SFX? These graphics are utter shite. Spidey looks fake; Venom looks fake; Sandman looks sporadically fake…everything looks like a rubber action figure. That’s three.
So other than that, it’s great!
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