Monday, July 20, 2009

Dey Took Arr Jurbs!!!

Why does MSNBC still employ this man? I understand the ratings chase, but there has to be a line. Rachel should be ashamed to ever let this man on her show again. He's an out-and-out racist. He adds nothing to the debate. He is neither a provocateur nor someone who argues in good faith. There is no discourse to be had when your guest refuses to at least acknowledge the validity of Sotomayor's educational achievements (No, Mr. Buchanan, they do not just "hand out" summa cum laude to just anybody). How is he raising the level of discourse espousing views that would garner applause at an Aryan Nation rally? Forget how factually deficient his comments are; the man is the most transparent, irrefutably racist commentator working in MSM today. Buchanan is nothing more than a bigoted demagogue; however, we've known this for some time now.

My anger is squarely aimed at the MSNBC producers and Rachel Maddow. They know he's going to just say something probably inflammatory and at the very least embarrassing. Perhaps he's just the harmless crazy old man Maddow likes to set him up as. Still, why not invite a conservative voice that isn't a walking, talking anachronism? Raise the bar. It isn't that difficult.

Buchanan's much loved 'base':

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