Monday, September 3, 2007

7 Days, 6 Nights, 20 Flicks: Testing the Limits of Human Endurance

It's that time of year again. I'll be headed up to Toronto for my annual film binge at the 32nd Annual Toronto Film Festival. The Muslims have Mecca. The pornophiles have the AVNs. Movie junkies like myself have Toronto. I'll be posting reviews the whole time I'm there.

Toronto in September is an experience unto itself. The weather is usually amazing. The city is basically like taking New York and shaking all the garbage out and then making everybody smile. Also, I'm convinced Toronto has more than its fair share of beautiful women in every shade. Walking down the street feels like a Benetton ad come to life. Nobody believes me, but I swear I'm going to get my dual citizenship with Canada some day. I love America Jr.--same great taste with half the guilt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your commitment to this is totally admirable. You're probably creating plot twists in your sleep in jumpy anticipation. Can't wait for reviews.