Here's a reader review of 2005's Peter Jackson directed remake of King Kong:
"hat-ed it!" can't see how YOU liked that flick,man. i remember this was out at the movies I was going to see it on the strength of your recommendation alone. some of the best, most believable special effects ever aside, this shit was terrible and the most racist movie you could make. (which is why i never liked the story in the first place and was leery about the remake).
You got a 3 hour movie where the first hour is worthless and dry as hell, simple math here. the only reason i saw the end was that i fell asleep and when I woke up to turn it off, they got to the island. the island has these savage "natives" that look like crack whores in harlem or west philly or return of the living base heads from the PE joint. wtf?! what was up with the shaking? were they high on meth? or is that how "natives" act? Was that Africa they ran across, the birthplace of civilization?
Then they kidnap dude, take him out of his element as a spectacle but when they lose the ability to CONTROL him, they start wilin out. He starts wilin out (cause you know you can take an ape out of the jungle, but you cant take the jungle out of the ape) and they start trying to KILL him? damn.
That's the same way the white man has treated us here in Amerikkka. How you gone not want us here, when yo ass brought us here in the first place? And what does King Kong represent anyway? the black man ego? his sexual id? his unharnessed potential? or his THREAT to white entitlement? whatever he represents the only opiate is the WHITE WOMAN? gtfooh! and this dumb bitch reciprocates the love? i'm thru. you need to lay off my man Jack Bauer and write an article about King Kong!
I give the film....the finger"
-angry black film critic
Thanks for that review! But deep down don't we all want a little Aryan affection?
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