Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Glenn Greenwald, You're My Hero

Notice how MSNBC puts their thumb on the scale in this segment showing footage of Iran test-firing rockets ad nauseam. Then the host has the nerve to tell Glenn at the end of the segment not to cast aspersions on the other TV pundits, since no one explicitly calls Iran an evil regime.

We spend more on defense than every nation on Earth combined. We are currently at war in two predominately Muslim countries. Our most favored ally in the region has recently launched major offenses against Lebanon and occupied territory in Gaza. And as Glenn points out, they refuse to let the IAEA inspect their nuclear facilities or arsenal. But of course, Iran is the aggressor. Iran poses the existential threat. Their behavior is just bat $#!t insane, right?

To quote Jack, "Go sell crazy somewhere else; we're all stocked up here."

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